VATCalc: UK's Premier VAT Calculator & Guide

Welcome to VATCalc: Your Online VAT Calculator & Guide

Your premier online UK VAT calculator. Quickly determine VAT with this indispensable tool. Delve into UK VAT rates and their implications. For comprehensive details on UK VAT rates, visit the official UK government site.


Instant VAT Calculator

Input your amount below for immediate results. Not sure about the current VAT rates? Check the official UK government site for up-to-date information.

Quick VAT Calculation Guide

What is VAT? VAT, or Value Added Tax, is a consumption tax in the UK. It's applied to most goods and services and is collected by businesses on behalf of the government. VAT is essential for the UK's revenue, and understanding its rates and calculations is crucial for businesses.

Adding VAT: Original Price x (1 + {VAT rate}). For 20% VAT: £100 x 1.20 = £120.

Removing VAT: Total Price ÷ (1 + {VAT rate}). For 20% VAT: £120 ÷ 1.20 = £100.

Effortless VAT Submission

Submit your VAT from just £6.25 using MS Excel with Ensure accurate VAT filing every time. With the Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative, businesses are now required to keep digital records and submit VAT returns using compatible software. offers a seamless solution for this, allowing businesses to submit their VAT returns directly from MS Excel.

Explore VAT Schemes

Discover various UK VAT schemes tailored for different business needs. Understand each scheme's benefits and requirements. For a deeper dive, read our in-depth analysis of VAT schemes. There are several VAT schemes available, including the Annual Accounting Scheme, Cash Accounting Scheme, Flat Rate Scheme, and more. Each scheme has its own set of rules and benefits, so it's essential to choose the one that best fits your business needs.

VAT Guides & Tips

Access a range of guides and tips to navigate VAT complexities. Suitable for both beginners and experts. From understanding how VAT works to knowing the different VAT rates, our guides cover everything you need to know. We also provide information on VAT payments, repayments, and deadlines, ensuring you stay compliant with all VAT regulations.

UK VAT Registration Guide

Thinking of VAT registration? Follow our step-by-step guide to understand the process, requirements, and benefits. Registering for VAT is essential if your business's taxable turnover exceeds the VAT threshold. Once registered, you'll need to charge VAT on your goods and services, submit VAT returns, and pay any VAT owed to HMRC. Our guide covers everything from how to register to changing your details and even canceling your registration.

Understanding VAT's Role

VAT plays a pivotal role in the UK's economic structure, directly influencing pricing, purchasing decisions, and overall financial planning. With the UK's recent exit from the EU, VAT regulations have undergone significant changes, particularly for e-commerce ventures. Businesses must stay abreast of these changes to ensure full compliance and seamless operations.

Why VATCalc?

VATCalc is your go-to platform for precise VAT calculations, up-to-date VAT rates, and bespoke UK guides. Catering to business owners, accountants, and individuals alike, we offer comprehensive resources to help you seamlessly navigate the intricate world of VAT.

Delve Deeper into VAT

VAT is integral to the UK's economic structure. Learn more about its history and evolution in the UK. Whether you're a business or an individual, understanding VAT is crucial for compliance and financial transparency. From its inception to the present day, VAT has undergone several changes, and staying informed is key to ensuring you meet all your VAT obligations.

Brexit and VAT: What You Need to Know

With the UK's exit from the EU, there have been significant changes to VAT regulations, especially for e-commerce businesses. It's crucial to stay updated with these changes to ensure compliance. Read more about UK VAT post-Brexit.

VAT for E-commerce Platforms

If you're running an e-commerce store on platforms like Shopify, understanding VAT is essential. Ensure you're charging the correct rates and understand the nuances of VAT for online sales. Check out this comprehensive guide for Shopify stores.

VAT Between the UK and the US

Doing business with the US? It's essential to understand how VAT works between the UK and the US, especially if you're invoicing clients or purchasing goods. Learn more about VAT implications between the UK and the US.

VAT Registration & Reporting

VAT registration can seem daunting, but it's a straightforward process once you understand the requirements. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, knowing when and how to register for VAT is crucial. Here's a detailed guide on VAT registration and reporting.

How VAT Works

VAT is a consumption tax that's added to the cost of most goods and services. Businesses collect VAT on behalf of the government. It's essential to understand the different VAT rates, how to charge and reclaim VAT, and the various VAT schemes available. For a comprehensive understanding, visit the official UK government site.

VAT Rates

The UK has different VAT rates, including the standard rate, reduced rate, and zero rate. It's crucial for businesses to apply the correct rate when charging VAT. For a detailed breakdown of the current VAT rates, visit the official UK government site.

VAT Payments and Deadlines

Businesses must submit VAT returns and make payments by specific deadlines. It's essential to understand the payment methods, deadlines, and how to handle repayments. For detailed information on VAT payments and deadlines, visit the official UK government site.

VAT for Builders and Construction Services

The construction industry has specific VAT rules, especially with the introduction of the domestic reverse charge. Builders, contractors, and other businesses in the construction sector must understand these rules to ensure compliance. For more information on VAT for builders and the domestic reverse charge, visit the official UK government site.

Help and Support for VAT

If you need assistance with VAT-related issues, the UK government offers various resources and support services. Whether you're looking for guidance on Making Tax Digital, VAT visits and inspections, or general help with VAT, there are numerous resources available. For a comprehensive list of help and support resources, visit the official UK government site.